You died and find yourself in a strange place, just to be told you have a perilous journey to get to the afterlife.

Face flying and walking evil spirits who are out to destroy your soul. Remember, you are dead and you can't die again, but your soul can be destroyed which you want to avoid. While you are finding your way to the afterlife, you have to deal with unresolved issues with friends or family.

A & D to move around
W & D to navigate the dialogue window
E to interact with NPCs or select an action in the dialogue window
Space is to jump
M to fire projectiles
L to use your ability - You need to have this active to interact with the living

Please Note:
This project did not turn out as I hoped or planned. The artist I was collaborating with got sick on Friday and I basically had the weekend to get assets together for my game and improvise to get something playable. A lot of effort went into the Enemy AI, Dialogue system and the level design which I really wanted to showcase. Please don't rush through to the exit, take a moment to read through the NPC Dialogue there is a basic story to follow.

Feedback and critique are welcomed and appreciated.

Assets Used:
1-Bit Pack:
Background Music:
Sound Effects:
Enemy Pathfinding:
Dialogue System:

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